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What is Stimulus Toggler?

It is a Hotwired Stimulus controller used to toggle classes of the DOM elements.

How it works?

The controller set variables to on/off when an element triggers the action with

The values that action want to set for the variables are defined by

If only data-toggler-states is set in an element, the controller will attach the action automatically so you don't have to take care of it. See Automatic aliasing section.

Setting variables

Using the token + before a variable, will set it to on.
Using the token - before a variable, will set it to off.
Without any token, it toggles the variable.


<!-- Clicking here, it will... -->
<button data-toggler-states="-sidebar">...set "sidebar" to off</button>
<button data-toggler-states="+sidebar">...set "sidebar" to on</button>
<button data-toggler-states="sidebar">...toggle "sidebar" on/off</button>

Reacting to variable changes

Using the mutation observer provided by Stimulus, as soon as a variable changes, other elements react to it adding, removing or toggling their classes accordingly.


<!-- We listen to the variable sidebar, by default the class to toggle is `hidden` -->
        This is my fancy sidebar

Other rules


Variables names only allows alphanumeric characters and the character "_".

Starting a variable with "tab_" is reserved for tabs and should not be used in regular states.